Art & Humanities Books

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Arts & Humanities Books

By going back in time we can discover important tools to help shape the present for a better future. Humanities books like This House of Oduduwa must not Fall will let you go into the root of the Nigerian problem. It points out reasons like political scheming and geography as the cause for our slow progressing. There are detailed arguments from chapter to chapter and from diverging point of view. Authors like Tekena N. Tamuno take you across the Niger Delta and the wars that have been fought because of the precious crude oil. Enlighten your mind with age long arts works and history from pre-colonial times. These arts books can be found online at Jumia.

Arts & Humanities Books on Jumia

Jumia brings you a large selection of arts & humanities books that let you appreciate great accomplishments of the past. Get detailed information on artworks like wood carving, pottery, metalwork, basketry and the likes. When you see pictures of sculpture, your mind begins to wonder on what inspired the artist the creating the beautiful piece. Let literature expert Wole Soyinka explain the challenges the African continent has faced over the past centuries from colonialism, slavery to racism. These humanities books are target at a variety of audience from politicians, academics and students. Trigger your understanding of the Nigerian culture and appreciate past human experiences when you read the best humanities book.