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iTel P32 Review and Specifications

Gone are the days when smartphones were restricted to only a privileged few. Today, there are more than enough smartphones in the market which are not just made of great quality but are very budget-friendly. The iTel P32 is one of such mobile phones. It is one of iTel’s latest phones and serves at successor to the iTel P31. Perhaps the biggest catch about the smartphone is its affordability. On the average, iTel phones are very affordable and the iTel P32 is not an exception. The phone is targeted at all individuals who do not want to break the bank before having access to the benefits of having a smartphone. Besides that, iTel is a brand which focuses on giving you the best with their smartphones. Hence, the P32 is created with a commendable level of quality and standard.

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iTel P32 Features

Display and Design: On the outside, the phone has a fine and nice design. Since it is an affordable phone, it is only normal for it to have a plastic body. It packs a design of 5.5 inches and can be identified as a phablet due to its size. While it does have a noticeable number of bezels, it is, nonetheless, very comfortable to either operate or carry around. The screen resolution is 720 x 1440 pixels and gives you colours which are noteworthy especially for a phone of its price range.

Performance, Storage and Operating System: The iTel P32 has a moderate performance and is powered by a 1.3GHz Dual-core processor coupled with a RAM of 1GB. In terms of internal memory, it has a capacity of 8GB for your files, images, videos and documents. If you need more space to save your stuff on your phone, you can also insert a microSD card. The microSD card is expandable by up to 32GB. The iTel P32 has an operating system of Android 8.1 Oreo, which is, at the moment, the latest Android upgrade.

Camera and Battery: The phone does not have a sophisticated camera but for a mid-range phone, it does just fine in giving you simple snaps and clear pictures. The front camera packs a capacity of 5MP. Interestingly, it has a dual camera of 5MP each with a dual LED flash.

The battery of the iTel P32 is amazing. With a capacity of 4000mAh, it gives you an on-screen time and talk time of up to a whole day or more. If you are usually away from a power source, this is a phone you could consider getting as you wouldn’t have to always charge the phone every now and then.

iTel P32 Specifications



Front camera: 5MP

Rear camera: 5MP + 5MP

Performance: 1.3GHz Dual-core processor

Display: 5.5 inches

Screen resolution: 720 x 1440 pixels

Battery: 4000mAh

Operating system: Android 8.1 Oreo

Where to Buy the iTel P32 Online in Nigeria

You do not have to break the bank to have a good smartphone. Check out the iTel P32 on Jumia Nigeria at the best and most affordable range of prices. You can also shop from a large selection of iTel smartphones online. We have convenient payment options as well.

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