Quinix water purifier 24L is a non-electrical water purifier which feature a 7 stage filter and a magnetic tap to make sure you get the purest and germ free water to drink. It has a total capacity of 24litres, It is non electrical, and that makes it perfect as you can get purified clean water any time you are thirsty it is a product with great users experiences. It also come with free Akaline PH Tester Filters upto 99.9% impuritiesNon electric water purifier
Quinix water purifier 24L is a non-electrical water purifier which feature a 8 stage filter and a magnetic tap to make sure you get the purest and germ free water to drink. It has a total capacity of 24litres, It is non electrical, and that makes it perfect as you can get purified clean water any time you are thirsty it is a product with great users experiences. It also come with free Akaline PH Tester Filters upto 99.9% impuritiesNon electric water purifier8 stage ceramic water filterShatter proof bodyUnbreakable storage containerCapacity - 24 Lit.No boiling requireNo running water requireKills 99.9% disease causing bacteria & virus